We offer the following Extraordinary Healthcare™ Programs both to the public and to businesses.
These programs are our way of reinventing the field of healthcare. Of course, the first and best support we can provide is the book itself. It is the basis of all our programs. If you haven't picked up a copy of the book, be sure to put that on your to-do list.
The Extraordinary Healthcare™ Workshop, A Natural Wellness Workshop
This workshop provides experience of the methods taught in the book. It builds confidence, clarity, deepens your knowledge, and essentially brings the book to life. The seminar consists of 12-16 hours of training.
Public workshops are generally given periodically, usually on the fourth or last weekend of the month unless there is a conflict with holidays.
In-house workshops for businesses, staff and employees, are available by arrangement. Call to schedule a workshop for your business.
Visit the Extraordinary Healthcare Workshop page for more information and to register for seminars.
The Extraordinary Healthcare™ PME (Physical-Mental-Emotional) Wellness Plan
The PME Wellness Plan is a plan to maintain your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Health. This is an ongoing support plan offered to individuals and businesses. It helps people to stay on track and get their questions answered as they progress in restoring their health. Ongoing support can be really helpful for creating optimum health.
Visit the PME Wellness Plan page to learn more and to subscribe.
Extraordinary Healthcare™ Personal Appointment Sessions
These sessions offer direct help using the 5 levels of healthcare as described in the book -- physical/nutritional methods, bio-energy sessions, mental and emotional methods -- all designed to restore balance and awaken a higher level of consciousness. This support is offered by telephone and video conference. See the Appointments page for more information and to schedule an appointment.
Presentations to Organizations and Businesses
We offer presentations and demonstrations of the value of the Extraordinary Healthcare™ programs at your workplace. For instance, we demonstrate rapid bio-energy healthcare by reducing pain, restoring structural alignment, improving flexibility and mobility, often within minutes. Tell your staff to bring their aches and pains and watch as they are eliminated almost instantly. It is a nearly miraculous process. We answer your questions on why the natural healthcare approach is more powerful, safer, and successful.
Materials Support
In addition to the book, we offer downloads of various materials mentioned in the book that did not fit the format of the book. We also will offer video instruction in the future as these materials are completed.