Natural Wellness Program for Business
Create a Happy, Healthy, Productive Workplace
You depend upon your employees and they depend on you. A happy, healthy workplace creates higher productivity and reduces costs from medical expenses, absenteeism, and lost productivity, now referred to as presenteeism - present, but not productive! Wouldn’t it feel great to be surrounded by happy, healthy employees who are enthusiastic, motivated, and vibrant? You would see your company grow and your expenses drop dramatically. Sounds great, doesn’t it?
All Businesses Have a Problem with Employee Health, Attitude, and Performance
Studies show that direct medical costs to business amounts to $8,796 per employee per year (calculated in 2005). This erodes profit margins and can even threaten the survival of a company. But that's not the worst of it. The cost in lost productivity, presenteeism, is 2-3 times higher than direct medical costs, amounting to as much as $25,000 or more per employee.
After all, how well can employees work when they're in pain, upset, distracted, sluggish, in a mental fog, or consumed by emotional turmoil? The answer is, they can't. It's bad for your business and it's also upsetting for employees. Not only is it costly, it leads to a host of chronic diseases. Plus, your employees can't work at all if they are absent due to illness or disability. Absenteeism is growing due to deteriorating health nationwide.
Healthcare expenses in the USA have reached 2 trillion dollars. Yet, pain, anxiety, exhaustion, depression, emotional turmoil, mental confusion, mental chaos, obesity, and a host of degenerative diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes are epidemic.
Business recognized the problem, that's why they created wellness programs. Your business may have one, but that’s not enough. Most programs are nothing more than exercise programs with periodic medical checkups. Sometimes they include incentives for losing weight. That’s not nearly enough today. In spite of good intentions, health is still deteriorating rapidly. The reason is that people need to know how to take care of themselves, not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. This has never been taught in any program. That’s why we’re re-inventing healthcare, naturally. The problem isn’t actually medical.
Medical insurance, which everybody complains about, is not solving the problem.
Healthcare based on drugs, surgery, or even exercise is not working. Over 70% of adults take prescription drugs regularly. Over 20% take psychiatric drugs! Yet, we are not healthier nor happier. America still ranks 51st among nations. Even the former Surgeon General, C. Everett Koop, said that 76% of all disease is lifestyle related. It’s physical, mental, and emotional. People simply don’t know how to take care of themselves.
Don’t you agree that your employees deserve better? You can help them and boost your bottom line at the same time.
Effects of Lack of Knowledge
Physical Health Effects
- Pain (back, joints, muscles, etc.)
- Heart Disease
- High Blood Pressure
- Diabetes
- Weak Immune System
- Digestive Problems, IBS, etc.
- Obesity
- Skin Blemishes, Rashes, Wrinkles, etc.
- Headaches
- Insomnia
Mental Health Effects
- Lack of Concentration
- Mental Confusion and Chaos
- Poor Judgement
- Lousy Decisions
- Lack of Awareness
- Accidents and Injuries
Emotional Health Effects
The emotional effects are severe and affect both home life and the workplace:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Relationship Failures
- Suicidal Tendencies
- Impaired Judgement
- Delusions
- Paranoia
- Emotional Outbursts
- Extreme Violence
The cost of this lack of knowledge exceeds the profits of all Fortune 500 companies combined! The solution is a program of total natural healthcare. For a business to succeed, employees need to be at the top of their game in every way - Physically Healthy, Emotionally Fulfilled, and Mentally Powerful. This doesn't happen without a complete re-education.
The Solution
People work best when they’re healthy, happy, and enthusiastic.
Peak performance comes with heightened awareness, positive emotions, and a mind that’s clear and focused.
The people in your organization deserve something extraordinary.
They deserve Extraordinary Healthcare.
We are reinventing healthcare. Taking it to a new level.
Our Target
Freedom from pain, illness, headaches, obesity, mental and emotional problems.
Maintain optimal physical conditioning, strong concentration, and high emotional stability.
Stay accident and injury free. Never be dysfunctional in any way.
This is Extraordinary Healthcare. We know how to do it.
Our Program
The key to extraordinary health is simple – knowledge. We were never taught how to take care of ourselves – how to restore and maintain physical, mental, and emotional health. The Extraordinary Healthcare Program™ solves this knowledge deficiency.
This deficiency of knowledge kills. It destroys our overall health, kills productivity, reduces effectiveness at work, and destroys home life. Without proper knowledge, we continue to make disastrous mistakes that harm us, our family, and our productive capacity at work. We turn to quick "fixes" like overeating, alcohol, recreational drugs, smoking, compulsive shopping, even psychiatric drugs. These offer short term relief, but lead to addictive habits, chronic illness, and debilitating disease.
Knowing how to take care of ourselves physically, mentally, and emotionally is the single most important body of knowledge needed today.
The Extraordinary Healthcare book and program provide the knowledge and experience that your business needs to regain a balanced, happy, healthy, productive workplace.
Topics Covered Include
- Customizing Your Personalized Healthcare Program
- The 7 Fundamental Causes of Disease
- Bio-Energy Healing to Reduce Pain and More
- Natural Healthcare for Infectious Diseases
- Nutritional Healing for Optimal Weightloss
- Steps to Strengthen your Physiology
- Boosting Your Immune System
- Healing Negative Emotions
- Overcoming Addictions
- Healing Relationships
- Culturing Successful Behavior
- Healing Hidden Mental Patterns
- Creating a New Healthy Future
Next Steps
1) Contact us for a free consultation to get started.
2) Order a book for each employee. Books are a great value.
3) Invest in your employees. Schedule a Natural Wellness Workshop.
We can accomodate your scheduling needs.
Contact Sarvasri directly, call 336-644-1111